Schlagwort-Archive: Tango


(Dazu gehört ja eigentlich noch die Melodie, aber ich werde mich jetzt nicht in ein FOS-Notenprogramm einarbeiten, um hier ein paar Tango-Arpeggios hinzusetzen…)

We’re dancing so close together
you cling so tightly to me
We’re dancing so close together
in perfect harmony
In blissful concentration
two bodies move as one
We’re dancing so close together
until it’s over and you’re gone

It only takes me three minutes
of dancing close to you
It only takes me three minutes
to fall in love with you
You look at me, you’re smiling,
your eyes shine like the sun —
It only lasts for three minutes
and then it’s over and you’re gone

I wonder if we will ever
be more than just Good Friends
I wonder if we will ever
dance that other dance
With every move you promise
the closeness that I seek
I wonder if we will ever
do more than dance one night a week.