Schlagwort-Archive: Shakespeare

Serenity auf Shakespeare-isch

Man kann offenbar nicht nur Pulp Fiction altertümeln, sondern auch „FireflySerenity“:

Capt: A dozen years have pass’d since this took place,
And all that time hath Parliament kept hid
The secret of this world, till River here
Unearth’d it from their minds.  They feared she knew.

Ah, und das gute alte „I aim to misbehave“ muss man nicht mal ändern:

They’ll swing back like the needle to the north
To the belief that they can better men.
And I hold not to that.  Here from this grave
I will not run. I aim to misbehave.

Ich muss mal wieder Firefly gucken…

Shakespeares „Pulp Fiction“

Schlauer Mensch, dieser Kevin Pease, und gut mit Worten:

ACT I SCENE 2. A road, morning. Enter a carriage, with JULES and VINCENT, murderers.

J: And know’st thou what the French name cottage pie?
V: Say they not cottage pie, in their own tongue?
J: But nay, their tongues, for speech and taste alike
Are strange to ours, with their own history:
Gaul knoweth not a cottage from a house.
V: What say they then, pray?
J: Hachis Parmentier.
V: Hachis Parmentier! What name they cream?
J: Cream is but cream, only they say le crème.
V: What do they name black pudding?
J: I know not;
I visited no inn it could be bought.

… und es wird gepiekst und nicht geballert: Weiterlesen